Professional info
My name is Pedro Caravela, and my artistic name is CaraToon. I´m a 20 year old student from Aveiro , in Portugal, that loves art and wants to be recognized by it, I´ve drawn since I was a kid and the passion never left me, art is basiclly my mind and soul. My favorite types of art are comics, manga, concept art, caricatures, photography, acrylic paintings and a bit of sculpture.
I´m a student at Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra, studying Art and Design course, currentlly finished the first year. I´m also a free lance artist proeficient at character designs, comic book syle art, caricature art, some designs and currently working on a self made comic book story.
My dream profession is being an illustrator for any style, comics, children book i can be very adaptabl, but i am also consedering other jobs in the future.
Portuguese (Mother Tongue)
English (Good speaker and Writer)
Spanish (Average)
Visual Arts / 12th Grade/ Estarreja Highschool
​2016 - 2019
I finished the 10º, 11º, 12º grades in Visual arts course in highschool at Estarreja. I was an median student at the time , with a grade averagee of 14 points, althougth my professors considered me hard-working and responsible.
KRITA (Still learning the software)
Arts and Design Course/ First Year / ESEC (Coimbra)
​2019 - present
​I have currently finished the first year of the course, I am still to finish the second and third year of the course, I am a good student, I really wroked hard and dedicated myself to make every project I made into a great final product, and I have a averege grade of 17 points.